Initial Public Offering of Twitter

The latest news from Twitter, the microblogging site (Twitter) officially filed a Initial Public Offering (IPO) to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to offer shares of U.S. $ 1 billion. Twitter will be listed on the stock exchange floor with name TWTR.

As reported by ZDNet , Friday, 4 October 2013 , in dokuman S - 1 filing, Twitter  claims to have had an average of more than 218 active users per month, and more than 100 million active users per day. Twitter said that rate has increased 44 percent from last year.

In a filing paperwork, Twitter also revealed an annual revenue of U.S. $ 316.9 million, an increase of almost double between 2011 and 2012 revenues. But the record show , this whole Twitter lost a total of U.S. $ 418.6 million since its foundation. Twitter determined the value of its share is U.S. $ 20.62 per share. Twitter will offer 427.6 million shares at the beginning of this release. Reported by Techcrunch.

Twitter steps to go public is following in the footsteps Facebook two years ago. Is Twitter going to be successful in its IPO?

Source: Goolge


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