Waiting for Lady Gaga's New Album (ARTPOP)

The little monsters (the name for Lady Gaga’s fans) must have been not looked forward to a new album from the mother monster (Lady Gaga).Yes Lady Gaga is now almost completed the album, entitled ARTPOP. The album planned to be released on November 8, 2013.

Previous Lady Gaga’s fans were surprised by the close of her official twitter account. Closing the Lady Gaga’s twitter account of course makes everyone wonder, considering Lady Gaga is one artist who has the most many of number twitter followers in the world.

But some people argue that the closure of the account is intended for promotional her new singgle (Applause) purposes. And proven, the singgle quickly became very popular especially on YouTube .

Recently Lady Gaga upload photos through her Twitter account. in the photo Gaga looks very strange. She wears a wig disheveled also wearing clothes that look oversized and was sitting on a chair made of pieces of computer motherboards.

In connection with the planned release ARTPOP album next month , until recently she has also released its tracklist. Because of it, through her twitter account Lady Gaga apologizes to her fans who feel disappointed.

Im sorry the tracklisting is late monsters . A few more squirrels ARTPOP snuck into the tree. Do not worry it will be worth it ! 11:33 PM - September 30, 2013.
Source: Goolge


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