A message from the passengers of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Are they all still alive?
Almost one - month duration of the mystery disappearance of Malaysia
Airlines flight MH370 has not been solved. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak
had announced earlier that the goal MH370 Kuala Lumpur - Beijing journey ended
in the Indian Ocean and none of the surviving passengers.
But now suddenly emerging recognition of one of the passengers named
Philip Wood. He wrote a message in the forum 4plebs.org.
Philip posted a message March 19, 2014 or 11 days after missing MH370.
Philip message content at the point that he and other passengers MH370
currently resides on the island of Diego Garcia after the plane he was
traveling was hijacked.
" I was held hostage by some military personnel are not known
where. I was arrested after the plane was hijacked. Myself working for IBM and
when the plane was hijacked and then I was detained , I hide my phone in the
ass. Now I was detained in a cell along with hundreds of other passengers ,
" said Philip.
U.S. citizens also had to change the profile photo in a forum 4lebs.org.
He turns it into a deep black color and turns after traced attached photo on
March 18, 2014 at 20:49 pm local time.
Philip at the end of the posting photographs that use Apple I Phone 5
give a little message.
"Profile photos are very interesting , because it is not just
only a black color. If you zoom in that blank photo,you can see the noise. I
was in a dark room , " said Philip.
The belief that Philip posted photo is also justified by the original
one journalist at the site jimstonefreelance.com/phillipwood.html. On the site
it was confirmed that the journalist who posted the photo of Philip is not a
Meanwhile in many social media and more Internet users try to analyze
the photos posted Philip Wood black. Of the many who analyze , most saw a
shadow -like humans and amounted to three people. The three men are suspected
of guard cells where Philip was arrested along with hundreds of other
Strangeness also occur in the information on the official website of
Diego Garcia Airport. At the moment the official website www.amc.af.mil MH370
loss on March 8, 2014 suddenly filled the screen no flight schedule. But after
checking around dated March 18, 2014 when the site reopens obvious flight
schedules to and from Diego Garcia.
The existence of this information adds to the long row of speculation
and mystery of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370. However , the
alleged Philip Wood was in Diego Garcia along with hundreds of other passengers
is perfect with a row of eye-witnesses who saw MH370.
Such as the Boeing 777-200 pilots who fly aircraft to Narita Airport,
Japan was seen 30 minutes before the MH370 is lost. Malaysia Airlines plane is
seen to be right in front of him on March 8, at 01:30. Next was dated March 8,
2014 a Malaysian fishermen saw the plane flying low toward the waterway.
Shortly thereafter Indonesian fishermen also saw a similar plane flew
Malaysia Airlines low at coordinates N 05 degrees 21'94 - 98 degrees 18'61.30 E
or around the area of Banda Aceh.
At 06:15 on the same day a Maldives citizen living in Horse Huvadhoo
said she saw a similar plane Malaysia Airlines MH370 flew low from the north to
the southeast , allegedly toward Diego Garcia.
Are all passengers of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 still alive?
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