
Showing posts with the label SAVE OUR EART

Our Earth Was Dangerously ILL

Earth is a creature. Earth is life. Earth is our home. Now Earth have old. Earth have not fresh as 50 years ago. The place where all creature alive and survive have damaged. There are many thing that caused our Earth damage. one of them is global warming. Our Earth has more hot from year to year. But they do not aware at that situation. They know about how terrible effect of global warming is, but they still arrogant. They regard them self are leader,have power. Very funny.


Timber Industry Trees are logged both legally an illegally to supply the timber trade. The industry is worth billions of pounds/dollars as the insatiable demand for wood in Japan, Europe and USA grows. There are governments who sell acres of forests to companies for a pitance in the premise that local workers are employed. Other governments have even offered their forests as payment for weapons! In South America, in particular Brazil, criminal gangs have entered protected Indian reservations and felled trees. These are then passed into the market with false certification. Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have been instrumental in making the World aware of this problem. Yet, the problem still exists in other countries/areas such as South East Asia. Even Russian temperate forests are suffering due to the demand for timber from Japan. Now consider the impact of a tree being felled. Despite the noise pollution from the chainsaw, the tree falls to the ground, striking surro...