
Showing posts with the label Top 100 Listed Companies

Top 100 Listed Companies in The World Made Market Capitalisation Rose to a New Record High

The market capitalisation of the Global Top 100 companies increased by over USD 3 trillion (11%) in the year to March 2022 to a record-breaking total market capitalisation of USD 35.2 trillion. Between April 2021 and March 2022, 20 technology companies grew and accounted for more than one third (34%) of the total capitalization of the world’s Top 100 companies, with a total of USD 12 trillion. The capitalisation of technology companies has increased by 17% over the period. Five years ago, technology was represented by just 12 companies, accounting for 21% of the total Top 100 capitalisation. Market Capitalisation Other sectors represented in the Top 100 are commodities, consumer goods, industrials, telecoms and utilities. In 2022, these sectors accounted for 33% of the total market capitalisation. Healthcare has been an above-average performing sector, with the value of its 16 companies in the Top 100 increasing by 23% to USD 4 trillion. Companies in the energy s